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Complete Neighborhoods Partnership

To complement the new MBTA communities zoning requirement and to promote the development of walkable neighborhoods across the Commonwealth, MHP is offering The Complete Neighborhoods Partnership. This program concentrates technical assistance, resources, and investments within designated districts over multiple years to support the creation of mobility-rich, mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhoods. It is available to all communities in the Commonwealth.

Budget and Schedule: The program will select up to 12 communities to receive up to $150,000 each in technical assistance for a total of $1.8 million over a five-year period. Six will be selected in 2022 and six in 2023. Services will be performed by MHP staff and/or third-party consultants. No direct funds will be awarded to selected communities.

2022 awardees: Applications were accepted through April 15, 2022. Chelsea, Brockton, Fitchburg, six towns in Franklin County and a regional application from North Attleborough and Plainville were selected as the first recipients of Complete Neighborhoods Partnership awards. Read the Complete Neighborhoods 2022 awards press release for more information.

Webinar: An informational webinar about Complete Neighborhoods Partnership was held early in 2022. Watch the webinar video and download the presentation if you're interested in applying in 2023.

Selection Process: Applications will be conducted on a competitive basis. Communities will have up to four weeks from the date the call for proposals is issued to submit an application online. During this period, the program manager will be available to answer questions. Applications will be evaluated by a committee consisting of state and quasi-public agencies who are involved in housing and economic development policies and programs. Award decisions will be guided by the applicant community’s economic conditions, demographic profile, development opportunities, local capacity, readiness to proceed, and impact of COVID-19.

Eligible Uses: Funds can be used for predevelopment, policy development, community engagement, or financial analyses. MHP Community Assistance staff will provide support throughout the program.

Post Selection: Following award announcements, awardees will work with MHP’s program manager to execute memoranda of agreement. Each community will identify key stakeholders to assemble a local partnership, which will serve as the steering committee.The program manager will work with each partnership to develop a work plan for the grant period (2.5 years).

More information: Contact MHP Senior Development Manager Christine Madore.

MHP Complete Neighborhoods Partnership - Program Update

A recording of the meeting is available here. The slides from the meeting are available here.

Since the launch of Complete Neighborhoods Partnership in spring of 2022, we have made strides in identifying ways to advance our shared goals in building neighborhoods that are rich in mobility amenities, housing, and economic opportunities.

This virtual meeting was held on April 5, 2023. Christine Madore, Senior Development Manager, provided an update on the Complete Neighborhoods Partnership program’s progress in our first cohort of three communities and two regions. Municipal staff, stakeholders, consultants, and MHP staff were invited and there was space for peer sharing that will be used to guide our work ahead.