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Looking for a specific report, sample RFP and other documents that explain the affordable housing process? The Housing Toolbox resource section has all the materials that appear on this site.

DHCD Technical Assistance Database

December 20, 2018

The database is a resource that tracks technical assistance (TA) program awards and grants from state agencies related to housing and planning from fiscal year 2016 - 2018. The database includes all 351 communities, even if they have not had a recent grant or technical assistance. In addition to tracking grants and TA, the database also has information about the community, such as the last reported percentage of qualified housing on the Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI), Housing Choice Initiative designation, and whether the community has passed the Community Preservation Act (CPA). 

The resources below are (1) A letter from DHCD Undersecretary, Janelle Chan, introducing and explaining the database, (2) a comprehensive list and description of all 14 TA programs tracked, (3) A print friendly PDF of the database, and (4) The actual excel sheet of the database so users can sort the data more easily. The next update of the public database will be in June 2019. 

For more information about the database, please contact Chris Kluchman, Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Housing Choice Program Director at Chris.Kluchman@mass.gov. 

Census Building Permit Survey Under Counts Massachusetts Housing Units

December 20, 2018

The US Census collects data on new housing units from local governments in a data set called the Building Permit Survey (BPS).  A recent analysis of the US Census Building Permit Survey for Massachusetts shows there was at least a 14% under count of new housing units over the last 5 years. This document explains:

  • What the BPS is and why it matters
  • A summary of the analysis of the BPS in Massachusetts reporting accuracy 
  • How communities can help improve BPS accuracy 

For more information on the data collected for the BPS analysis, please contact Chris Kluchman, Housing Choice Program Director at the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), at Chris.Kluchman@mass.gov

Local Action Units (LAUs) Guide

November 28, 2018

MHP created this guide in 2018. Local Action Units (LAUs) are affordable housing units created as a result of an intentional action taken by a community, without a comprehensive permit, and which meet the requirements for inclusion on the Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI). The goals of this document are: 1) to describe methods that communities are using to create LAUs; 2) provide technical guidance on how communities can ensure that all LAUs are affordable and will be eligible for inclusion on the SHI, and 3) outline requirements and best practices for ongoing compliance monitoring.

Receivership Guidebook

December 26, 2017

Written in partnership with the state Attorney General’s Office, this publication explains how communities can use receivership to stabilize properties and neighborhoods.