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Looking for a specific report, sample RFP and other documents that explain the affordable housing process? The Housing Toolbox resource section has all the materials that appear on this site.

Model Ground Lease

August 24, 2017
Many municipalities choose to dispose of land through a long term lease, as it provides a measure of control should there be problems with the development at some point in the future. This is a sample lease that MHP has developed with legal partners, for purpose of showing the elements of a lease. Any lease developed for land in your community should be developed with input from town counsel. 

Illegal Neighborhood Study 2016

August 21, 2017

An photo and mapping analysis of the zoning and characteristics of several Massachusetts highly desirable neighborhoods to see how they conform to current regulations. 

Chapter 40B handbook for ZBAs

June 16, 2017

In March 2017, MHP, in cooperation with the state Department of Housing and Community Development, MassHousing and MassDevelopment, published an updated version of the Ch. 40B Handbook for Zoning Boards of Appeal. This new version incorporates all new guidelines issued by DHCD since the first version in 2008.

HUD Section 8 information

February 22, 2017

A link to U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) overview of project- based vouchers, also known as Section 8.