Affordable Rental Development
A link to an overview of state funding programs for for-profit and non-profit developers of rental housing.
Looking for a specific report, sample RFP and other documents that explain the affordable housing process? The Housing Toolbox resource section has all the materials that appear on this site.
A link to an overview of state funding programs for for-profit and non-profit developers of rental housing.
A link to the program overview of the Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant Program, which includes program guidelines, regulations, and additional resources. The program is federally funded and competitive designed to help small cities and towns meet a broad range of community development needs.
A link the Department of Housing and Community Development's (DHCD) action and consolidated plan page. Action and consolidated plans are required for federal funding sources administered by DHCD.
A link to the Department of Housing and Community Development's (DHCD) overview of the LIHTC program, including additional links and resources.
A link to Accessible Society's overview of the Olmstead Decision (1999).
A link to the program page of the Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund. The fund is open to municipalities and nonprofits. The grant program supports predevelopment and development preservation projects.
The Community Preservation Coalition's (CPC) project database contains information on CPA projects by community.
A link to additional resources of technical assistance and trainings programs offered by the Department of Housing and Community Development's (DHCD) Office of Sustainable Communities ( formerly the Community Assistance Unit).
Overview of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston's targeted programs page.